I’ve been Skin Cycling and Slugging, and Here’s what I have learned …

There definitely isn’t a shortage of skin care tips on the Internet, and I’ve tried and tested it all. While I stress the importance of skincare over everything (hello, did you apply your sunscreen today?), I will be the first to admit, having an extended PM routine have never appealed to me … I just want to go to bed, man. Sleep over everything, yes?!?

That said, as I continue to age despite my best efforts and many sacrificial offerings to the powers that be, I make the effort and as of late I have jumped on the skin cycling and slugging train. I started at the beginning of the year and can attest - it works! Once you have your products and schedule in place - it’s a routine that is easy to stick to and track results with.

Here’s what I have learned in the past three months :

  • Choose your products for your skin cycle and stick with them for the best results. Again, as someone who wants to get to bed as soon as possible at the end of the day, I want a no-fuss routine that is pretty much zero-thought as well. I have one exfoliating product, one retinol product, one face oil, and so on. Barring any adverse reactions to any product, don’t be compelled to use two different retinols or two different moisturizers, or to switch out products too fast. Stick to your product choices and schedule for at least 6-8 weeks before making any changes. Keeping it minimal means I never lose track of which product I should be using that evening or what day of the cycle I am on.

  • It’s budget friendly : your products last longer and therefore, you can get yourself the best skincare. The pro tip has forever and always been splurge on anything for your skin (serums, moisturizers, and foundations). But that can be expensive especially if your preferred retinol or moisturizer only lasts you a month and a few days. Since my skin cycle routine goes like this : exfoliant, retinol, hydrate/rebuild, rest … I’m not even halfway through my guilty pleasures of a super expensive lactic acid exfoliant and ultra expensive retinol. Skin care is self care … you deserve to feel luxe and be expensive when you do it.

  • Your recovery days are key. Since we are made to believe that if we miss a night of skincare we turn into a Crypt Keeper, you might think it best to leave out your recovery or slugging days and cycle through just active ingredients and products. My friend, NO! Recovery is key … just like when we exercise our bodies, a day of rest has more benefits than forcing your body to burn fat and build muscle. Be sure to include a day where you slug or moisturize and hydrate well. Rebuild your skin’s barrier. I kid you not, after a night of a good slug, my skin glows for days and is more receptive to repeating the skin cycle!

    If you aren’t sure where to begin with your skin cycle, there are plenty of resources available with a quick Google search. For more one on one or a consultation, give us a shout! We are happy to advise and connect you with the right specialists to help you with your skincare journey!

    Photo by Chelsea S of Studio Wanda
    Skin/Makeup by Alyssa J of BlushPretty


In the studio : Elate ReFRESH FOUNDATION


Appreciation post : Creative photoshoots